Friday 30 March 2018

"What Is Literature"

"Literature is the X-Ray image of the Humans lives"

Image result for what is literature

As julian Barnes sya's in his novel "the sense of an ending" that
The things Literature was all about: love, sex, morality, friendship, happiness, suʃering, betrayal, adultery, good and evil, heroes and villains, guilt and innocence, ambition, power, justice, revolution, war, fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, the individual against society, success and failure, murder, suicide, death, God.. Of course, there were other sorts of literature —theoretical, self-referential, lachrymose autobiographical Real literature was about psychological, emotional and social truth asdemonstrated by the actions and reÉ»ections of its protagonists;
Generally Literature is x ray image or photocopy of humans lives. Its raw material is humans common components. What ever happens in society or in humans life its gets reflect or represent in literature.  As it is said for "Indian epic Mahabharta that " Je mahbharat ma che te kyay nathi ane je kyay nathi te mahabharat ma nathi" In context to literature Every common aspects of living beings is there in the literature.
There is two paradoxical way to Metaphorize the literature. According to me Literature is as "DRY COCONUT " AS WELL "THE DARK CHOCOLATE' two paradoxical metaphors but i thing both are appropriate.

Literature as Dry Coconut :

Image result for Dry coconut

 A dry coconut is very hard from outside we easily couldn't get the soft drink of it and enjoyed. But after go into the depth by some handwork we get the sweat, nutritious water we get ultimately. Literature is like that at first if we read any novel , literary work like 'The west land"  by T.S Eliot, "La Belle Dame sans Merci: A Ballad by John Keats" , "Middle march"  Pinter's  "Birthday party"  etc like at first we might not easily get understood that what actually it is and what writer wants to convey the theme or message. But After going into to the depth we may find some interesting, beautiful messages, inspirational messages and all beauty within that. we finds that all mention works are very deeply interesting to study culture, power existentialism, so literature is like nutrition, nutrition in philosophical way that its enriched our life.

Literature as The Dark chocolate ;

Image result for dark chocolateImage result for dark chocolate

 The dark chocolate is very sweat , delicious and enchanting in its flavor at the very beginning. we also would like to eat it more. But as you eat it two or twice  or in much quantity at a one time you feel that its flavor is bitter also in a way. you couldn't digest a too sweat chocolate. Like wise when we see the literature some of the text are so much easy to understand. Convey a beautiful romantic message. Text like "Othello' , "From the Ammoritte " " sense of an ending'' " The white tiger" " One night at the call center" "Gulliver's travels'  'Sense and sensibility" etc are very romantic , sweat, easily digestible  But at inner level like Dark chocolates its all are bit satirical works on society. Bitter and harsh to digest like dark chocolates flavor. 

         Literature is like x ray image or an ice axe for frozeness  for the humans them selves only. Both binary are there "sweetness of the literature and harshness of the literature" A good literature is that which remains us to be in unrest an d question. Like as in Dark chocolate, after eating its a bit bitter flavor we sometimes remains in uncomfortable.

 For me literature is there where humans inner mental struggle is depicted. "literature is a verbal execution of humans feelings emotion and thought." literature is a tool which makes peoples to aware and civilized from rutted notion of himself only.

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