Friday 30 March 2018

Online discussion on " Fiction and lies"

Respected sir here is my views about Online discussion " Fiction and lies"

Image result for fiction and lies

              Fiction and lies are in a way interwoven. Lie is intentionally falsehood while Fiction is literary typ using invented or imaginative wrining insted of real facts.
As Albert calmu says that " Fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth." According to this every lies are based or support for fiction through which fiction are created. Best example is J K Rowling 's "Harry potter"
In which the magical world she portrait is totaly a lie which even doesn't exists but taking help of that she created a wonderful fiction. Wonderful lieterary work she could able to produce by taking help of lie.
Another example is  Julian baren's "sense of an ending" which based on memory narration. Memory is not realible it also falls in category of lie. But with the help of lie Brnes also created an outstanding literary works. So lie is an  integral part of fiction we cant separate it. "Artists use lies to tell the truth. Yes, I created a lie. But because you believed it, you found something true about yourself" -Alan Moor

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