Hello Friends here is my Blog On Online discussion on "Atheism and Morality"
Which is a part of my classroom activity ;

Respected sir, thank you for sharing this article with us,
After reading this article about "Atheists also have a definite moral cod" the title itself signify the value of Morality. Atheist who basically don't believe in the god, so it means first of all they have their own perspective their own belief in their self or something else thats why they can Deny to one idea of Existence of god. second thing is that it is not necessary that if you believe in God so than only you are moral. Atheist also have their own definite moral cods they follow their own morality. Atheist who followed universal value. Morality is different thing in todays world and theist or atheist is the different thing. About this Dr. Georgia Purdom wrote an artical in this she says that: There is no question that atheists can do moral things and believe in right or wrong, but that is not the issue. The real issue is: do they have a foundation or basis for moral decision-making apart from God? This atheist seems to think so. He wrote,
Morality can and does exist without a biblical God because I have morality (and every human being, regardless of their beliefs) and I don’t believe in God or the bible but I know right from wrong. If someone thinks that donating blood or helping an old lady cross the street is evil, then logically they do not have the same morality that you or I or any normal human does.
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