Friday 30 March 2018

Movie review on Depa Maheta's "Midnight children’s"

Hello Readers,
To review  this film is part of my academic activity to see Entire activity CLICK  HERE
 Postcolonial Studies: Film Review : Midnight's Children 

                    “midnight children’s” director by Deepa Mehta and “ the Reluctant Fundamental” director by Meera Nair . the both are post-colonial.the post-colonial is the study of a culture after the physical and or political territory of an oppressive power. colonialism is a dialect process. It’s divided into two part colonized and colonizer. Colonizer gives identity crises. we have to power to choose the identity. The both are movie depends upon the term post-colonialism.

              Midnight children by Deepa Mehta. In this movie we find that salim Sinai was Narrator. It is historical fiction. Also we can see the three generation and forth also coming there. The film is also worth watching to understand ‘magic realism’. And another more important thing is that it is related to the power politics. Power politics is connected with post-colonialism because we have to power we rule our them. The another important thing is at 14th august 1947 midnight mumtaz give the born of Salim Sinai and Shiva and the at that time also the freedom of India “India will awake , from the freedom”. Later, how parvati use the magic realism, “ magic realism in relation to the post- colonial and midnight’s children” the technique of magic realism finds liberal expression throughout the movie. Salim also at midnight he talk about the all midnight children. Also the difference between the salim and Shiva because salim was not the son of mumtaz and also one main difference one has poor and another was rich. Post –colonial view about the war between two country. A film worth watching to have a peep at the political controversies like forced vasectomy , emergency (at the born of Adam) reflect the situation , indo, birth of Bangladesh and the rise of Indira Gandhi as the god-incarnation. “exile ! I learned about power” –Shiva. This line also reflect the colonialism .the midnight children is the point about pessimism. The controversy between the Hindu and Muslim because salim was Muslim and Shiva was hinds. At last end , Rushdie Assure us that the riot of color and incident and allusion he is narrated was actually , at heart always just about love, which will come as a relief to viewers confounded by what’s come before. 

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