Friday 30 March 2018

How literature shaped me?

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               Literature is not just imaginative stories written in leisure time only for entertainment. But it is reflection of time, place and society in which we are living. Literature is mirror or photographic image of society. equally literature is also an x ray image portraying ugly, darker sides of society.
Still, whatever definition we try to give literature will remain incomplete because its exactly like 5-7 blind men defining Elephant, by touching it. Whatever aspect they will touch upon, will define like that.So, lets it leave it aside and come back to the point.
Even though i am studying literature since five years, texts and theories which i've studied in M.A has affected & shaped me more. In B.A. while reading my focus was largely on aesthetics . Books and poems are only choose for the examination purpose whether that could be understood or not. In M.A i have started reading original though its is only one or two like Barnes " sense of an Ending" or "Kanthapura'

In B.A third year, there is two poems reference "Cold in the earth "  by Emily Bronte and Thomas hardy's "After a journey" that two are like one of the most changing point in my life. Both about memory, Hardy's poem  is about "Hold a memory" and second is about " leave back and move on from the memories and being practical. I was in prison of thought of my friend who go away from me for further studies in Australia, i couldn't decide what should i do next , i couldn't move on from that incident, after the next two day i have come to learn this poem. and then that movement i also realize that as Emily Bronte wrote "Memory are gives  only misery, pain  despair, it will never come back. so i thought to be move on individually.   so in a way psychological advantage of literature i was literally get beneficial for that. The next one is Julian Barnes " Sense of an ending" in which his central character is suffering from his one mistake about doing things out of aggression never things before that. Because of Tony's letter out of aggression all tragedy is happens ultimately he get unrest only, get alone at the end. Personally i can found my nature like this and after that novel study i can try to get better and rational.
In some American literature and Criticism i have studied feminism, That also affect me a lot. Before that i couldt resist in my family to getting some equal rights and for getting equal importance. before that larning things went on as it was but after that learning i could find my self that to being like a servitude or submissive girl i  may loess my identity. though we may not like applying feminism every where but after reading " Feminist discourse" I can tell or taught to people surround me to respect for my choice and my wishes.

After learning Derrida Deconstruction, i am able to horizon my ability to think  that really things remains same as it is or it may be deconstruct some where.

As Julian Barnes says about time in his novel that "Time is Holds us and its molds us"

This simple quotation is i would like to modify for me for the defining of literature shaping me

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