Respected sir
Here is my view about given discussion
"Post truth"

As per my understanding of post truth is, if we can take literal mening of this word so we can find that there is first 'Truth' means what is alredy exist in the world and that is same for all people. For example: Earth is in round shape. But "Post truth" that means something that beyond truth. let me explain, many of people would say that we are living in a 'Post truth world". what we consider as post truth? so post mens something that s beyond and not telling in the truth. Reality is not what we see in this. Post truth"' is something like we "Created" or " new artificialy invented truth". this word 'Post truth" is more appropiat or used in Media or in politics. so in this way if we look, media is take one or any event and then modyifaying that truth of this event and then presence, either it is in negative or in a posivie it can be seen by people. so there is no real truth in this. similarly politician has to used to from doing this all thing. they just modifying the truth. so here perception of every person about truth is differanciat from one to another person.what is seen is not what is actully not truth, but post truth.
For example: During the election, media has to show only goody goody things about Narendra modi or Rahul Gandhi, so is it actually a truth ?
no this is post truth which modiefying and half truth which is created by media and pepole takes it with it differnt perspective. post truth is "WE SEE WHAT WE WANT TO SEE"
For example: During the election, media has to show only goody goody things about Narendra modi or Rahul Gandhi, so is it actually a truth ?
no this is post truth which modiefying and half truth which is created by media and pepole takes it with it differnt perspective. post truth is "WE SEE WHAT WE WANT TO SEE"
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