Friday 30 March 2018

Online Discussion on "Education System: School in Forest"

         Here is my view on given discussion

     Education System: School in Forest

          Indian education system has been constantly criticise and judge by the people, there is always do lots of satire on this, and here is also it is criticies by given this qoute and image.By

“Language bears within itself the necessity of its own critique”

As per Jacques Derrida's theory of deconstruction, any text or image has some loose stone through which it can be deconstructed.
If we look at this image then first we think it is a satire on education system, but we look deep down then this is problematic.

Here example is given is of animals that fish cannot climb tree, but in education system we have humans or children not animals. In this digital era, all the students have to be multitasking to become a digital Human.

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