Friday, 30 March 2018
William Shakespeare Fear No More the Heat o’ the Sun
Fear no more the heat o’
the sun;
Nor the furious winter’s rages, (metaphor)
Thou thy worldly task hast done,
Home art gone, and ta’en thy wages;
Golden lads and girls all must,
As chimney sweepers come to dust. (Simile)
Nor the furious winter’s rages, (metaphor)
Thou thy worldly task hast done,
Home art gone, and ta’en thy wages;
Golden lads and girls all must,
As chimney sweepers come to dust. (Simile)
Fear no more the frown of the great,
Thou art past the tyrant’s stroke:
Care no more to clothe and eat;
To thee the reed is as the oak: (simile)
The sceptre, learning, physic, must
All follow this, and come to dust. (Personification)
Thou art past the tyrant’s stroke:
Care no more to clothe and eat;
To thee the reed is as the oak: (simile)
The sceptre, learning, physic, must
All follow this, and come to dust. (Personification)
Fear no more the lightning-flash,
Nor the all-dread thunder-stone;
Fear not slander, censure rash;
Thou hast finished joy and moan;
All lovers young, all lovers must
Consign to thee, and come to dust.
Nor the all-dread thunder-stone;
Fear not slander, censure rash;
Thou hast finished joy and moan;
All lovers young, all lovers must
Consign to thee, and come to dust.
No exorciser harm thee!
Nor no witchcraft charm thee!
Ghost unlaid forbear thee!
Nothing ill come near thee!
Quiet consummation have;
And renowned be thy grave!
Nor no witchcraft charm thee!
Ghost unlaid forbear thee!
Nothing ill come near thee!
Quiet consummation have;
And renowned be thy grave!
About the poem
This poem is about death and it is saying that everyone is going
to be turned into dust. The author is trying to say that we are all going to
die, and that is there no need to stress or worry about life. No one needs to
be anxious about tomorrow, about the way they are getting their food or clothe,
or being scared of the people in a higher position. No matter who you are and
no matter how old you are, or what position you hold death will always be
waiting for you and you’ll be turned into dust. Your family and friends won’t
come down there with you, nor will your knowledge.
When death comes to us we won’t fear anything. He’s telling us
that we won’t fear the heat of the sun, the winters rage, the frown of the
great which are the people of a higher position than us in life, the lighting
flash, the thunder stone, and the slander censure rash. Nothing is going to
harm us when we are dead. You will be quietly consumed and renowned by the
grave. I think the author wrote this poem about death because someone that he
loved and was close to passed away, or maybe he was just thinking about death
and what happens after that.
The author is the speaker of this poem and he is generally talking
to everyone. The poem is free of cliches, and the tone of the poem is serious,
fearless, and careless. The tone doesn’t change throughout the poem
"The Fly" By Walter de la mare
This poem is about how normal, everyday objects must look
very different to a tiny creature like a fly. The speaker invites us to
reconsider the beauty and enormity of both natural and man-made objects, and
we're reminded that the size of things is only a matter of perspective.
In the first stanza, the speaker introduces his main idea
with an exclamation point, saying that everything must look so huge to a little
fly . A flower is the size of furniture to the fly, and a little thorn on a
flower is like an enormous weapon . These images invite us to consider how a
change of perspective can cause beautiful things to be amplified, like the
flower that becomes a luxurious bed, as well as frightening things to become
even more menacing, like the thorn that becomes a spear.
The second stanza lists three more objects and describes
what they must look like to the fly. A drop of dew is like a full-sized mirror
to look into . A piece of hair is like a shining strand of wire . And a tiny
mustard seed seems to have the size and strength of a chunk of burning coal .
These three images take the tiny, relatively insignificant objects around us
and bring our view so close to them that they become beautiful and powerful.
Finally, the third stanza lists three more comparisons.
Food can look like a huge landscape to a fly. Another insect can be a terrible
predator. Lastly, little grains of salt can seem as dear as baby lambs. These
final images show us how valuable our food is, how lucky we are to have the
advantage of size over a fierce creature like a wasp, and again, how something
as common as a grain of salt can be beautiful, bright, and sweet, if we're
willing to change our perspective.
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All My Sons By Arthur Miller
All My Sons is a 1947 play by Arthur Miller.All My Sons, Arthur Miller's first commercial success, tells the story of an American family caught up in the struggle between personal responsibility and duty to their country. Joe Keller, a successful, self-made man has done a terrible thing: during World War II, hurriedly trying to meet an order from the Army, he knowingly sold them defective airplane parts which later caused the planes to crash and killed 21 men. He engineered his own exoneration and falsely turned in his business partner; now, his son is about to marry the partner's daughter, the affair is revisited, and his lie of a life is revealed. Joe, spending his whole life in the pursuit of wealth for the sake of his family, represents the American Dream gone wrong.
Movie Review The Reluctant Fundamentalist
Hello Readers. This blog is a part of my academic activity to see the worksheet Click Here

“The Reluctant Fundamentalist “ by Meera Nair. It is political thriller drama film. Changez khan as a narrator . in the time and place of Lahore, Pakistan 2011 and how the life change of changez khan. The Reluctant fundamentalist is a political thriller film. Also we can see the American Patriotism. Meera Nair thoughtfully textured drama also the misunderstanding and harsh socio-political realities and a mirror of American and Pakistani relation themselves. The Reluctant fundamental film Mohsin Hamid(changez khan) tried to see the similarities between the American capitalist corporation and Islamic terrorist groups.
“ The reluctant fundamentalist” as post-colonialism is study of a culture after a physical and political withdrawal of an oppressive power . here changez voice is under the America, for him it is difficult to survive his self in American colony. All of them are looking different on changez because he belongs to Muslim community, are which near to Terrorism . so his voice suppressed by American. It is all about search for identity , power-superiority , relationship crisis.
Directed Mira Nayak has used flesh back technique to connect the dot. Once Changez felt that he is exploiting his people by becoming an American servant then he reject his job and come back to Pakistan. It’s a frame narrative story.
American journalist, Boby taking an interview of Changez for the sack of find a terrorist. Changez has such relation with terrorist group but he does not give the name of terrorist. He has misunderstand about Changez that he know everything but he is not telling anything therefore he start gun firing and a Pakistani die then American journalist kidnaped.
American is a rich country but only with money and power. This is playing a vital role for the structure of any country. They don’t have feelings for other. Their minds are preoccupied about east. In reality it is a corrupt country. Post colonialism also talks about economy and biological relation. The power of money is more important than the knowledge and hard work. Western always sees darker to east.
“ The reluctant fundamentalist” as post-colonialism is study of a culture after a physical and political withdrawal of an oppressive power . here changez voice is under the America, for him it is difficult to survive his self in American colony. All of them are looking different on changez because he belongs to Muslim community, are which near to Terrorism . so his voice suppressed by American. It is all about search for identity , power-superiority , relationship crisis.
Directed Mira Nayak has used flesh back technique to connect the dot. Once Changez felt that he is exploiting his people by becoming an American servant then he reject his job and come back to Pakistan. It’s a frame narrative story.
American journalist, Boby taking an interview of Changez for the sack of find a terrorist. Changez has such relation with terrorist group but he does not give the name of terrorist. He has misunderstand about Changez that he know everything but he is not telling anything therefore he start gun firing and a Pakistani die then American journalist kidnaped.
American is a rich country but only with money and power. This is playing a vital role for the structure of any country. They don’t have feelings for other. Their minds are preoccupied about east. In reality it is a corrupt country. Post colonialism also talks about economy and biological relation. The power of money is more important than the knowledge and hard work. Western always sees darker to east.
Movie review on Depa Maheta's "Midnight children’s"
Hello Readers,
To review this film is part of my academic activity to see Entire activity CLICK HERE
Postcolonial Studies: Film Review : Midnight's Children
“midnight children’s” director by Deepa Mehta and “ the Reluctant Fundamental” director by Meera Nair . the both are post-colonial.the post-colonial is the study of a culture after the physical and or political territory of an oppressive power. colonialism is a dialect process. It’s divided into two part colonized and colonizer. Colonizer gives identity crises. we have to power to choose the identity. The both are movie depends upon the term post-colonialism.
Midnight children by Deepa Mehta. In this movie we find that salim Sinai was Narrator. It is historical fiction. Also we can see the three generation and forth also coming there. The film is also worth watching to understand ‘magic realism’. And another more important thing is that it is related to the power politics. Power politics is connected with post-colonialism because we have to power we rule our them. The another important thing is at 14th august 1947 midnight mumtaz give the born of Salim Sinai and Shiva and the at that time also the freedom of India “India will awake , from the freedom”. Later, how parvati use the magic realism, “ magic realism in relation to the post- colonial and midnight’s children” the technique of magic realism finds liberal expression throughout the movie. Salim also at midnight he talk about the all midnight children. Also the difference between the salim and Shiva because salim was not the son of mumtaz and also one main difference one has poor and another was rich. Post –colonial view about the war between two country. A film worth watching to have a peep at the political controversies like forced vasectomy , emergency (at the born of Adam) reflect the situation , indo, birth of Bangladesh and the rise of Indira Gandhi as the god-incarnation. “exile ! I learned about power” –Shiva. This line also reflect the colonialism .the midnight children is the point about pessimism. The controversy between the Hindu and Muslim because salim was Muslim and Shiva was hinds. At last end , Rushdie Assure us that the riot of color and incident and allusion he is narrated was actually , at heart always just about love, which will come as a relief to viewers confounded by what’s come before.
To review this film is part of my academic activity to see Entire activity CLICK HERE
Postcolonial Studies: Film Review : Midnight's Children

“midnight children’s” director by Deepa Mehta and “ the Reluctant Fundamental” director by Meera Nair . the both are post-colonial.the post-colonial is the study of a culture after the physical and or political territory of an oppressive power. colonialism is a dialect process. It’s divided into two part colonized and colonizer. Colonizer gives identity crises. we have to power to choose the identity. The both are movie depends upon the term post-colonialism.
Midnight children by Deepa Mehta. In this movie we find that salim Sinai was Narrator. It is historical fiction. Also we can see the three generation and forth also coming there. The film is also worth watching to understand ‘magic realism’. And another more important thing is that it is related to the power politics. Power politics is connected with post-colonialism because we have to power we rule our them. The another important thing is at 14th august 1947 midnight mumtaz give the born of Salim Sinai and Shiva and the at that time also the freedom of India “India will awake , from the freedom”. Later, how parvati use the magic realism, “ magic realism in relation to the post- colonial and midnight’s children” the technique of magic realism finds liberal expression throughout the movie. Salim also at midnight he talk about the all midnight children. Also the difference between the salim and Shiva because salim was not the son of mumtaz and also one main difference one has poor and another was rich. Post –colonial view about the war between two country. A film worth watching to have a peep at the political controversies like forced vasectomy , emergency (at the born of Adam) reflect the situation , indo, birth of Bangladesh and the rise of Indira Gandhi as the god-incarnation. “exile ! I learned about power” –Shiva. This line also reflect the colonialism .the midnight children is the point about pessimism. The controversy between the Hindu and Muslim because salim was Muslim and Shiva was hinds. At last end , Rushdie Assure us that the riot of color and incident and allusion he is narrated was actually , at heart always just about love, which will come as a relief to viewers confounded by what’s come before.
How literature shaped me?
Literature is not just imaginative stories written in leisure time only for entertainment. But it is reflection of time, place and society in which we are living. Literature is mirror or photographic image of society. equally literature is also an x ray image portraying ugly, darker sides of society.
Still, whatever definition we try to give literature will remain incomplete because its exactly like 5-7 blind men defining Elephant, by touching it. Whatever aspect they will touch upon, will define like that.So, lets it leave it aside and come back to the point.
Even though i am studying literature since five years, texts and theories which i've studied in M.A has affected & shaped me more. In B.A. while reading my focus was largely on aesthetics . Books and poems are only choose for the examination purpose whether that could be understood or not. In M.A i have started reading original though its is only one or two like Barnes " sense of an Ending" or "Kanthapura'
In B.A third year, there is two poems reference "Cold in the earth " by Emily Bronte and Thomas hardy's "After a journey" that two are like one of the most changing point in my life. Both about memory, Hardy's poem is about "Hold a memory" and second is about " leave back and move on from the memories and being practical. I was in prison of thought of my friend who go away from me for further studies in Australia, i couldn't decide what should i do next , i couldn't move on from that incident, after the next two day i have come to learn this poem. and then that movement i also realize that as Emily Bronte wrote "Memory are gives only misery, pain despair, it will never come back. so i thought to be move on individually. so in a way psychological advantage of literature i was literally get beneficial for that. The next one is Julian Barnes " Sense of an ending" in which his central character is suffering from his one mistake about doing things out of aggression never things before that. Because of Tony's letter out of aggression all tragedy is happens ultimately he get unrest only, get alone at the end. Personally i can found my nature like this and after that novel study i can try to get better and rational.
In some American literature and Criticism i have studied feminism, That also affect me a lot. Before that i couldt resist in my family to getting some equal rights and for getting equal importance. before that larning things went on as it was but after that learning i could find my self that to being like a servitude or submissive girl i may loess my identity. though we may not like applying feminism every where but after reading " Feminist discourse" I can tell or taught to people surround me to respect for my choice and my wishes.
After learning Derrida Deconstruction, i am able to horizon my ability to think that really things remains same as it is or it may be deconstruct some where.
As Julian Barnes says about time in his novel that "Time is Holds us and its molds us"
This simple quotation is i would like to modify for me for the defining of literature shaping me
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