Saturday 19 August 2017

Respons to Flip learning activity on " Existentialism"

 Hello readers,
  This blog is part of my Flip learning activity.
To see that context click here

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   First is about What is existentialism?
          Existentialism is a trilogy of mainly three things
            1) Individuality
      Existentialism is given more focus in these things, another is Who do not believing in god is consider as existentialist.
     There are many things that had been said and written about existentialism, one of the Philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre also written an essay on "Existentialism Is a Humanism" in which he gives idea of What is Existentialism in very simple way According to him..Existentialism is nothing else but an attempt to draw the full conclusions from a consistently atheistic position. Its intention is not in the least that of plunging men into despair.Existentialism is not atheist in the sense that it would exhaust itself in demonstrations of the non-existence of God. It declares, rather, that even if God existed that would make no difference from its point of view. Not that we believe God does exist, but we think that the real problem is not that of His existence; what man needs is to find himself again and to understand that nothing can save him from himself, not even a valid proof of the existence of God. In this sense existentialism is optimistic. It is a doctrine of action, and it is only by self-deception, by confining their own despair with ours that Christians can describe us as without hope.

Video 2-

    Talk about an absurd reasoning and Absurdity reflects in humans life.
 Absurdity is part of Humans life which they can found in their life, Absurdity means Anxiety, pain, despair,suicide.Mans life is like the absence of any profound reason to living in state of feeling absurdity, when we start to think about absurdity of life we feel like stranger. All healthy man is having think of suicide , there is direct connection between this feeling and death. Man feels like Death is my mistress. When we discover and face absurdity in our life we may  ask two question to our self Hope? Suicide? and death.

Video 3-

  Here is given the concept of Absurdity and Philosophical death. As we mention above that Absurdity is an essential part of humans life, In An Absurd mind reason is useless and nothing beyond it, there is no place for hope. So one of the way is taking leap from absurdity is an easy way to live healthy life.

Video 4-

    Recognizing three concept at the same time to get clear cut idea to understanding of Existentialism. Dadaism, Nihilism and Existentialism. All three has contain some common thing is "Absurdity" or concept of Absurd mind,Three are common in sense of spreading idea of "Freedom" or  asking question and individuality. These three movement is arises in to respond to world war first and second.

Video 5-

Existentialism holds some idea like Absurdity, Anxiety, despair, its seems gloomy and negativity, Existentialism is respond to second world war, where this all kinds of things like despair, Absurdity and all other things spread in all over world, which affects humans mind deeply, Existentialism is respond this emptiness. After world war people seems life as meaningless and field with despair. Existentialism come to people as to rescue and cure from that gloomy atmosphere.  

Video 7-
 Existentialism means that we are own responsible for creating meaning in our life. In another way Existentialism is tries to find some unresolved question or confusion of the human world. Existentialism means one has freedom to create their own personal subjective meaning.

Video 8-
 Existentialism means there is no universal morality which govern us we have to freedom of doing what we want to do.

Video 9-

 I  like existentialism because of two things, first is, its takes me as i am, and second is its give give freedom of thoughts.And second is Its way of questioning to absurdity and all other hmuman mind's condition which at some where touches my heart also (not video speaker).

Video 10-

 "Essence precedes existence"
  Everything has its essence. Our essence is exist in before our born. Our essence give us purpose to living.For example One two knife one is with wooden handle and second without handle. If we remove wooden handle then we it has not much more value cause and other has not handle it also has no much more value so wooden handle of knife is its primer essence for being exist and considering as knife


 I like video 7 most cause its give much clear idea about existentialism, i also like no. 8  " Explain like i am five" cause it is in more simple way a teacher teach this concept to child so it is in more simple or comic way.


  I enjoy flip learning, its help me in to improving my listening skill as well writing, i learn to write in more speedy way. Though there are some troubling to listen non-Indian voice without subtitles. This technique is more remembering during exam cause we don't need to read this directly listen which will be more remember. The flipped learning is very helpful to understand the concept of Existentialism. It will also make the classroom discussion lively as we already come to know about the basics of this concept. I really enjoyed flipped learning.It also having like hectic pain to listen Ten videos thoroughly and then give only one short idea about. but over all enjoying.   



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