Thursday 10 August 2017

Interpretation of the short play "Breath" by Samuel Beckett's

 Hello readers this  blog is part of my classroom activity.

Image result for breath samuel beckett
Samuel Beckett wrote a play titled “Breath” that from beginning to end lasts 35 seconds. The play begins with a child’s first breath while the stage is covered with trash. The play ends with a person’s final breath while the view of trash on the stage stays the main focus. The point of the play is that we come into a world of trash… live briefly… then die. Such is the world’s view of life.

Beckett was an was an Irish avant-Gard writer, poet, and dramatist. He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1969 . As such he is widely regarded as one of the most influential writers of the 20th century. Yet he was a recluse… intensely private… and seems to be a person without much hope in his life… as his play “Breath” portrays.

While I would agree that we live in a world that is broken on virtually every level, I would not agree that it has to stay that way or that our life means nothing as the play seems to imply.
It is very strange to see that any play would have been written in such a short time and though it has deep significant meaning about existence of human life and and their way of living life. This is adopted by many other director to made visual play, after watching some of the adaption i found different interpretation from different video version,

1) by Damien hirst whose video is with the theme of medical west things which is present very messy may be its signify the idea of being existing of human being who born as well as die at the end but their lives are full with the vague or with very messy ideas one thing that an Ashtrey is seems arranged in between the garbage which also significance something.the question of existentialism would have been emerged after world war and this play is also very much influenced by world war so we can connect it the exhalation of breath or inexhaustibly of breath of child or a person who is passing through wars and witness of blood shades of the thousands of people during or after the war. And the messy things or garbage is also significance the human minds after the effect of war. They are just goes into the deep thoughts having in mind.
Image result for breath samuel beckett
2) one of the video no 4 the modern interpretation is also interesting. Though it s sounds doesn't match properly with original written play but the interpretation is very much significant. There is one blue bowel like things in which first light is little bit through then it suddenly of and then its breaks down. It symbolize the human life or their thoughts they have first hope then slowly its goes down and ultimately it will broken down by society. Humans have many unnecessary things or thought in life or in their minds if they have look at one by one then they could do something creative otherwise its seems like mass or garbage of thoughts.

And this hole play if we can see at the point of existentialism then this play or these vidieo are very much interpretative.
Work cited:

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