Monday 20 March 2017

Derrida deconstruction

Here is my view as a post structuralist critic

   Deconstruction is a theory which is given by Jacques Derrida. In the criticism of literature, Deconstruction is a theory and practice of reading which questions and claims to ‘subvert’ or ‘undermine’ the assumption that the system of language provides grounds that are adequate to establish the boundaries, the coherence or unity, and the determinate meaning of a literary text.It is not distructive activity but inquiry into the foundations of everything.There is something first crumble down and then something is new built.Derridean way of thinking is to qewstion "Origin of Origin". In derridean Deconstruction he tallks on some perticular points or theory's like Logocentricism and Phonocentricism,Binary appositions, Trace of Meaning, Free play of meaning, supplimentrarity, undecidability of meaning, decentering the center, Metaphysics of present. 

    There are numbers of example on which we can apply this theory. For example if if i were a post structuralist critic, i would like to apply this theory on Ekta kapoor's serial's in which Female are privilage over male, in serial like "Sath Nibhana sathiya" or "Sasural simer ka" . If we take another idea of 'Origion of origion" then we find that there is one bollywood movie; which is based on one historical story in which the origanal story is differant and movie makers are modifiying the history, so here derridean way of thinking is 'Question to 'Origin of Origin". so here is origanal myth is Deconstructed and then new story is built up.


Image result for veer movie

if we take anotherkey point of Derrida which is about "Binari apposition",

In this vidieo we find Binary apposition of cold and fire, there is seting of this advertisemnt is cold place like kashmir, an then that girl bwant to drink cocokola, then at the end there is fire and Amir is movieng around and speek "Thanda matlab cocokola cokla" so that is how posibal, there were also cold ice.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Apply structuralism with two bollywood movie.

Image result for structuralism 

Hello Readers,
This blog is a part of my academic activity and It is about "structuralism" a literry theory is applied in not only text but in our rutine life like in Tv serial or in Film, soone  jounral observation and brief overview on this. I hope you will enjoy to read.

structuralism is an approach to analyzing the narrative material by examining the underlying invariant structure. For example, a literary critic applying a structuralist literary theory might say that the authors of West Side Story did not write anything "really" new, because their work has the same structure as Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. According to me Structuralism mens the thing is same or structure is same but the way of presenting is totally differant. I would like to apply this theory with two bollywood movies 
Image result for once upon a time in mumbaai dobara

Image result for Gunday  In boath movies we can see that the story is same. There is one heroin and two hero are fight for her and to love and marry with her. And ultimatly onnce who live and other is dead cause of that the structure of love, reveng, and death is same. But the story or the way of its presents is differantiat.